The Alabama Historical Commission is the state agency charged with safeguarding Alabama’s historic buildings and sites. Created by an act of the state legislature in 1966, it consists of twenty-one appointed members who represent a broad cross section of Alabamians.

For more information about contacting the Commissioners please call Stacey Mills at 334-230-2690.

Upcoming Meetings: Quarterly


Eddie Griffith, American Institute of Architects


Judge David Breland


Pat Edington


Dr. Jim Day, University of Montevallo


Dr. Angelo Mancuso


Pat Edington

Alabama Archaeological Society

Dr. Meghan Buchanan

Alabama Department of Archives & History

Steve Murray

Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources

Chris Blankenship

Alabama Department of Tourism

Lee Sentell

Alabama Farmers Federation

Michelle Thompson

Alabama Historical Association

Dr. Ralph Draughon, Jr.

Auburn University

Prof. Alex Krumdieck

Black Heritage Council

Thomas C. Coley

Business Council of Alabama

Lynne Hardee

State Building Commission

Lee Desmond

Troy University

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Walter Givhan

University of South Alabama

Dr. Rebecca Williams

Governor of Alabama

Honorable Kay Ivey / Nathan Lindsay

Lieutenant Governor of Alabama

Honorable  Will Ainsworth

Speaker of the House

Honorable Nathaniel Ledbetter   

University of Alabama

Ian Crawford